Art & Culture

“Involution” By Martín Loyato: Upcoming Album Release

“Involution” By Martín Loyato: Upcoming Album Release

Through the co-operation among a collection of skilled musicians from different backgrounds, a masterpiece titled “Involution” was created. More than 30 musicians from all over the world, including Argentina, Australia, Germany, Greece, Korea, Lebanon, Spain and the USA, have combined their talents to produce this “electro-acoustic experimental album” containing 9 breathtaking tracks.

The 18th of December is the awaited day when “Involution” by the professional Argentinian trumpet player “Martín Loyato”, a multi-instrumental player, who added to his treasure a new album that will be released digitally worldwide. Through this diversity in culture and self-expression, Loyato is trying to establish a new sort of recording that embraces all different types of music, thus uniting their imperfections together to come up with a magnificent blend. The album was recorded and mixed at Audio Addicts Studio in Beirut, Lebanon. Under the label of Syncretism Records, which is an independent music label interested in releasing creative-contemporary free world music from experimental jazz to classical, founded by Loyato in 2009.

Loyato is pioneering this new type of music that is stripped of all dominant discourses shaped by intersection of gender, race and class praising the mere “interconnectedness” among people, thus combining music the same way people blend with each other and connecting their emotions that fluctuate between happiness and pain. The inspiration behind the music is the “spiritual meaning of involution” that aims for progression of the untouchable spirits. For him”This philosophy represents the inner evolution of the mind, heart and soul, the inward path of a spiritual aspirant toward self-realization that might be the ascent back to God or beyond the creation.”

Surprisingly enough, Dr. Loyato has worked on many other skillful projects and some of them even took place at the Lebanese American University – the institution he teaches at – that partially supported this recording in addition to other contributors such as Audio Addicts Studio, Patrizia Jewelry Sculptor, SaxOn… Loyato tries his best to encourage talented students by giving them a chance to let their music reach out to people’s ears inside and outside the university bubble. Many Lebanese American University students participated in this album as the choir and by instrumental playing.

I personally perceived the music as similar to the sea where at some points it’s raging and at other points it’s calm. A mixture of different musical instruments: Qanoon, Oud, Saxophones, violins and electronics… This unique taste of mixing East and West accompanied by changing levels of vocals, creates the sense of complication “involution” hence communicating a meaningful and pleasurable experience while listening to the recordings. Moreover, It’s quite interesting how Dr. Loyato includes some Arabic lyrics in the album without creating dissonance, but, on the opposite harmoniously the melody pampers the ears. Eagerly, he’s trying to spread his art in the Arab region too by adding an Arabic touch to this album.


For more information about Martín Loyato visit:

For additional details about the album check out the below video.


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